New year Sale!

Curiosity's / General

So I hope everybody had an amazing 2014, 2014 has been the year it all started for me! and for that I thank everybody who has ever bought, shared or complimented any of my handmade products! Its you guys that let me continue to (slowly but surely) expand my business.

So to say thank you to everyone I am kickstarting 2015 off with a up to 50% off new year sale!

Keep watching this space as I have new products coming soon!

Enjoy the hangovers,

Taylor Aston xx

Long time no See!

Curiosity's / General

Hey guys, sorry its been a while since my last post, been trying to sort things out with the studio and starting to create t-shirts with screen printing (coming soon)

I have recently changed my main shop (usually Etsy) to Big cartel as I feel the big cartel interface looks much more appropriate to my brand. I will continue to sell on Etsy but It will no longer be my main focus. Check it out with the link below as some items are on SALE at the moment!

I am also going to start creating a customisable listing for my Monster Clutch series so you guys get to choose all the options including fur, facial features and lining options. So keep checking back to see when I release more information!


Tay x

Created a Google+ Page

Curiosity's / General

So I created a Google+ Page, I actually have no idea what it actually is but I’m willing to give it a go anyway :).


So feel free to add me to your ‘Circles’ to keep up to date with all my products and problems ;)


Also, if anyone wants to be kind enough to actually tell me what google+ is and how to use it…Feel free to leave a comment ;) <3 x

Kickstart funding

Curiosity's / General

To help funding I have activated a Kickstart account to help bring to life the ‘Monster Clutch’ collection. The funding will help towards launching the collection and bringing unique and amazing character clutch bags to a world-wide market.

If you are interested in having a look at everything so far or looking to be part of the funding experience please feel free to check out the link below!

Fresh Catwalk is COMING!

Curiosity's / General

Just over a week before me and a couple designers are showcasing some collections with profits going towards a charity.

There is still some tickets left if some people would like to come have a great night on the 7th (June)…Or maybe you want to be in the show as a Model?

for more details please check out the main blog for ‘Fresh’